TAILIEUCHUNG - Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter2

Chapter 2: Expressing Present Time. 1 Basic English Grammar remains a developmental skills text for students of English as a second or foreign language. Serving as both a reference and a workbook, it inaoduces students to the form, meaning, and usage of basic structures in English. It provides ample opportunities for practice through extensive and varied exercises leading to communicative activities. Although it focuses on grammar, it promotes the development of all language skills. . | WMWMMMMIMMWMMIMIIIIMJWI iiw aMigaaiiicmuHMBMgatrajWkWÆKMWMSTKWWswi CHAPTER 2 Expressing Present Time Part 1 2-1 FORM AND BASIC MEANING OF THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE --- - --- . -. . SINGULAR PLURAL 1st PERSON I talk we talk 2nd person you talk you talk 3rd PERSON she talks they talk he talks it rains Notice The verb after she he it 3rd person singular has a final -s talks. a I eat breakfast every morning. b Ann speaks English every day. c We sleep every night. d They go to the beach every weekend. The simple present tense expresses habits. In a Eating breakfast is a habit a usual activity. Every morning Monday morning Tuesday morning Wednesday morning Thursday morning Friday morning Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. EXERCISE 1 What do you do every morning On the left there is a list of habits. On the right make a list of your habits every morning. Put them in order. What do you do first second third etc. HABITS a eat breakfast b go to class c put on my clothes d drink a cup of coffee tea e shave f put on my make-up g take a shower bath h getup i pick up my books j walk to the bathroom k watch TV l look in the mirror m turn off the alarm clock n go to the kitchen the cafeteria o brush comb my hair p say good-bye to my roommate wife husband q brush my teeth r do exercises s wash my face t stretch yawn and rub my eyes u other habits MY HABITS EVERY MORNING 1. The alarm clock rings. 2. turn off the alarm clock. 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ 6. __ 7. __ 8. __ 9. _ 10. __ 11. __ 12. .

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