TAILIEUCHUNG - Golden Rosebud

Tài liệu tham khảo chuyên nghành hội hoạ, mỹ thuật, giúp các bạn có những kiến thức từ có bản đến chuyên sâu - Golden Rosebud | GOLDEN ROSEBUD Brenda Hoddinott Y-01 ADVANCED CREATING IN COLOR Overlapping and burnishing colors and rendering believable shadows contribute to the realistic threedimensional forms of a golden rosebud. The diversity of colored pencils is explored in this non-traditional approach to drawing a rosebud. The dark gray drawing surface challenges artists to pull the forms of the drawing subject from darkness into light. CONTENTS Suggested drawing Skills Glossary of art Part One Drawing the Lesson Y1-1 Choosing a format and drawing Lesson Y1-2 Outlining a Part Two Coming Out of the Lesson Y1-3 Laying down some foundation Lesson Y1-4 Shading the Lesson Y1-5 Shading the stem and Part Three Adding Final Lesson Y1-6 Guidelines for colors in Lesson Y1-7 Shading medium and dark Lesson Y1-8 Shading the darkest 17 PAGES - 19 ILLUSTRATIONS Recommended for artists with good drawing skills from age 12 to adult as well as home schooling academic and recreational fine art educators Published by Hoddinott Fine Art Publishers Halifax NS Canada Revised 2004 - 2 - INTRODUCTION The diversity of colored pencils is explored in this non-traditional approach to drawing a rosebud. The dark gray drawing surface challenges artists to pull the forms of the drawing subject from darkness into light. This lesson is divided into three parts PART ONE setting up your drawing format and drawing a detailed outline PART TWO shading light and medium values on the petals stem and leaves PART THREE adding realistic shadows by mixing a specific recipe of colors. SUGGESTED DRAWING SUPPLIES 1. Good quality dark drawing paper or mat board 2. White colored pencil 3. Five other colored pencils as shown in Illustration 1-01. YELLOW ILLUSTRATION 1-01 PURPLE ORANGE RED MEDIUM BLUE BLACK SKILLS PRESENTED 1. Drawing with detailed curved contour lines 2. Adding .

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