TAILIEUCHUNG - Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter9

Chapter 9: making comparison. Basic English Grammar remains a developmental skills text for students of English as a second or foreign language. Serving as both a reference and a workbook, it inaoduces students to the form, meaning, and usage of basic structures in English. It provides ample opportunities for practice through extensive and varied exercises leading to communicative activities. Although it focuses on grammar, it promotes the development of all language skills. | Making Comparisons 9-1 COMPARISONS USING THE SAME AS SIMILAR TO AND DIFFERENT FROM THE SAME AS A and B are the same. A is the same as B. C and D are similar. C is similar to D. E and F are different. E is different from F. EXERCISE 1 ORAL Which of the pictures are the same similar or different 1. Are Pictures A and B die same 2. Are Pictures A and C the same 3. Are Pictures A and C similar 4. Are Pictures A and C different 5. Are Pictures C and D similar 6. Are Pictures C and D different Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -379 EXERCISE 2 Complete the sentences. Use the same as similar to and different from in your completions. 1. A is the same as f. 2. d and e are similar or are different . 3. C D. 4. B D. 5. B and D. 6. C and D. 7. A and F. 8. F and G. 9. F G. 10. G A and F but __C. EXERCISE 3 ERROR ANALYSIS Find and correct the mistakes. 1. A rectangle is similar a square. 2. Pablo and Rita come from same country 3. Girls and boys are differents. Girls are different to boys. 4. My cousin is the same age with my brother. 5. Dogs are similar with wolves. 6. Jim and I started to speak at same time. Similar gives the idea that two things are the same in some ways . both D and E have four edges but different in other ways . D is a rectangle and E is a square . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. EXERCISE 4 Answer the questions. 1. Which of the figures are the same 2. Is there at least one figure that is different from all the rest 3. How many triangles are there in figure 1 answer Seven. 4. How many triangles are there in figure 2 5. How many triangles are there in figure 6 EXERCISE 5 ORAL BOOKS CLOSED Practice using the same as similar to and different from . Example Look at . . . s clothes and . . s clothes. What is different about the clothes they are wearing today Response Their shoes are different. Mr. Lopez is wearing running .

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