TAILIEUCHUNG - Dissipation of pheromone from dispensers of specialized pheromone and lure application technology (SPLAT-PBW) formulation used against pink bollworm, Pectinophora Gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Bt cotton ecosystem

The gelechiid Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) is a limiting factor in Bt cotton production and has been reported to cause locule damage to an extent of 55 per cent and reduction in seed cotton yield in the range of 35- 90 per cent (Narayanan, 1962). By and large, pesticides are used as a major weapon for combating this pest damage. In India, total insecticides used to control bollworms alone were 9410 MT in the year 2003-04, worth of crores (Kranthi, 2012). Despite such a high proportion of pesticide consumption, pink bollworm pressure could not be contained rather have made the situation worse by development of resistance to major insecticides and Bt toxins. Now there is a need to shift from traditional management practices to a novel technique called Specialized Pheromone and Lure Application Technology (SPLAT-PBW) against PBW in Bt cotton ecosystem which has rain fastness, easy to apply, long lasting properties and cost effective. So as to assess its feasibility in Bt cotton, dissipation studies were carried out by collecting filed samples of SPLAT-PBW dispensers at weekly interval and were subjected to gas chromatography analysis, wherein the results revealed that even by the end of fifth week percent of active ingredient . pink bollworm pheromone ((ZZ/ZE) 7, 11- Hexadecadienly acetate) was left in the samples collected which, clearly indicates the slow release mechanism of SPLAT-PBW compared to other lures. | Dissipation of pheromone from dispensers of specialized pheromone and lure application technology (SPLAT-PBW) formulation used against pink bollworm, Pectinophora Gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Bt cotton ecosystem

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