TAILIEUCHUNG - The Vampire Witness

It was meant to be an ordinary hunt. Sam certainly hadn’t set out with a mind to kill a young child that night. Her usual quarry was strong young men who could run fast and put up a spirited fight, not little girls who would freeze and whimper at the first sign of trouble. In fact she had never actually killed a child before. But some things are a matter of survival, and if the path of a vampire and that of a youngling happened to intersect, whether intended or otherwise, then the youngling had to be sacrificed to the. | The Vampire Witness A Flesh Shadows Appetiser Lenka Dusek Smashwords Edition Copyright 2013 Lenka Dusek All Rights Reserved. ISBN 9781301459537 Smashwords Edition License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you re reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. The Vampire Witness It was meant to be an ordinary hunt. Sam certainly hadn t set out with a mind to kill a young child that night. Her usual quarry was strong young men who could run fast and put up a spirited fight not little girls who would freeze and whimper at the first sign of trouble. In fact she had never actually killed a child before. But some things are a matter of survival and if the path of a vampire and that of a youngling happened to intersect whether intended or otherwise then the youngling had to be sacrificed to the cause. That s just the way it was. The incident that brought about those circumstances took place at around eleven o clock one bleak autumn night. The air was icy cold and breathing it in bit into the back of the throat. Because of that the suburban neighbourhoods were all but deserted. people huddled indoors around open hearths with crackling fires. Sam had been prowling about outside for some time. She was immune to the chill. Right now she was perched on the side of a lofty church steeple her feet tucked back to back on a narrow ledge that few humans would dare balance on and her arms hugging the old stone faces. Such a lofty position gave her a good view of the suburbs. She was watching a small house at the edge of town. Inside a lively domestic dispute was going on and the shadows of furiously waving arms could be seen .

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