TAILIEUCHUNG - Soil organic carbon, carbon sequestration, soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and soil enzymatic activity as influenced by conservation agriculture in pigeonpea and soybean intercropping system

Field experiments were conducted during the year 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Conservation Agriculture Project plot, MARS, Dharwad, Karnataka to study the influence of conservation tillage, land configuration and residue management practices on soil health in a pigeonpea + soybean intercropping system. The experiment consisted of 6 tillage systems [CT1: Conservation tillage with BBF and crop residue retained on the surface, CT2: Conservation tillage with BBF and incorporation of crop residue, CT3: Conservation tillage with flatbed with crop residue retained on the surface, CT4: Conservation tillage with flatbed with incorporation of crop residue, CT5: Conventional tillage with incorporation of crop residue and CT6: Conventional tillage without crop residue]. The experiment laid out in strip block design and replicated thrice. The conservation treatments were found to significantly improve soil health. | Soil organic carbon, carbon sequestration, soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and soil enzymatic activity as influenced by conservation agriculture in pigeonpea and soybean intercropping system

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