TAILIEUCHUNG - Induced karyomorphological variations in three phenodeviants of Capsicum annuum L.
EMS was used as a mutagen in Capsicum annuum L. to isolate karyomorphological mutants. Seeds of Capsicum annuum L. var Azad were first pre-soaked in distilled water and then treated with solution of EMS for 3 durations, . 3, 5, and 7 h, and genetic segregation was closely observed. | Turk J Biol 33 (2009) 123-128 © TÜBİTAK doi: Induced Karyomorphological Variations in Three Phenodeviants of Capsicum annuum L. Girjesh KUMAR, Priyanka GUPTA Plant Genetics Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad-211002, . - INDIA Received: Abstract: EMS was used as a mutagen in Capsicum annuum L. to isolate karyomorphological mutants. Seeds of Capsicum annuum L. var Azad were first pre-soaked in distilled water and then treated with solution of EMS for 3 durations, . 3, 5, and 7 h, and genetic segregation was closely observed. Many chromosomal anomalies like stickiness, bridges, and multivalent, secondary associations, laggards, and precocious movement were observed after all 3 durations of treatment. These anomalies showed a dosedependent increase in frequency. The morphological parameters showed a decreasing trend along with the increasing dose. However, with the 7-h dose 3 morphologically distinct plants were isolated, which varied not only from other sib plants but also from control plants. Their cytological analysis revealed a predominance of bridges and increased frequency of bridges in all 3 plants. Therefore, it can be presumed that these 2 factors together may be responsible for creating deviations in these 3 plants. Key Words: EMS, 7 h, bridge, chiasma frequency, chromosomal anomalies Capsicum annuum L. Bitkisinin üç Farklı Fenotipinde İndüklenmiş Karyomorfolojik Varyasyonlar Özet: EMS Capsicum annuum L.’de bir mutajen olarak karyomorfolojik mutantları izole etmek için kullanılmıştır. Capsicum annuum L. var Azad’ın tohumları ilk olarak distile suda ıslatıldı ve sonra 3, 5 ve 7 saat sure ile % 0,5 EMS çözeltisi ile muamele edilmiştir ve genetik ayrım yakından gözlemlenmiştir. Yapışık, köprü ve multivalen, ikincil bağlantılı, geri kalmış, erken gelişmiş hareketli gibi birçok kromozomal anomali üç muamelede de gözlenmiştir. Bu anomaliler doza bağımlı olarak sıklıkta artış göstermiştir. .
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