TAILIEUCHUNG - Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining

Given a collection of records (training set ) Each record contains a set of attributes, one of the attributes is the class. Find a model for class attribute as a function of the values of other attributes. Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as possible. A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the model. Usually, the given data set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model and test set used to validate it. | Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining by Tan, Steinbach, Kumar © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining Classification: Definition Given a collection of records (training set ) Each record contains a set of attributes, one of the attributes is the class. Find a model for class attribute as a function of the values of other attributes. Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as possible. A test set is used to determine the accuracy of the model. Usually, the given data set is divided into training and test sets, with training set used to build the model and test set used to validate it. Illustrating Classification Task Examples of Classification Task Predicting tumor cells as benign or malignant Classifying credit card transactions as legitimate or fraudulent Classifying secondary structures of protein as alpha-helix, beta-sheet, or random

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