TWENTY YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 17 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | TWENTY YEARS AFTER ALEXANDRE DUMAS CHAPTER 17 17. Describes how the Duc de Beaufort amused his Leisure Hours in the Donjon of Vincennes. The captive who was the source of so much alarm to the cardinal and whose means of escape disturbed the repose of the whole court was wholly unconscious of the terror he caused at the Palais Royal. He had found himself so strictly guarded that he soon perceived the fruitlessness of any attempt at escape. His vengeance therefore consisted in coining curses on the head of Mazarin he even tried to make some verses on him but soon gave up the attempt for Monsieur de Beaufort had not only not received from Heaven the gift of versifying he had the greatest difficulty in expressing himself in prose. The duke was the grandson of Henry VI. and Gabrielle d Estrees -- as good-natured as brave as proud and above all as Gascon as his ancestor but less elaborately educated. After having been for some time after the death of Louis XIII. the favorite the confidant the first man in short at the court he had been obliged to yield his place to Mazarin and so became the second in influence and favor and eventually as he was stupid enough to be vexed at this change of position the queen had had him arrested and sent to Vincennes in charge of Guitant who made his appearance in these pages in the beginning of this history and whom we shall see again. It is understood of course that when we say the queen Mazarin is meant. During the five years of this seclusion which would have improved and matured the intellect of any other man M. de Beaufort had he not affected to brave the cardinal despise princes and walk alone without adherents or disciples would either have regained his liberty or made partisans. But these considerations never occurred to the duke and every day the cardinal received fresh accounts of him which were as unpleasant as possible to the minister. After having failed in poetry Monsieur de Beaufort tried drawing. He drew portraits with a .

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