TAILIEUCHUNG - Examining Lighting & Composition in Masters' Paintings

Tài liệu tham khảo chuyên nghành hội hoạ, mỹ thuật, giúp các bạn có những kiến thức từ có bản đến chuyên sâu - Examining Lighting & Composition in Masters' Paintings | Examining In Masters Paintings Brenda Hoddinott Z03 ADVANCED DRAWING ON THE MASTERS The primary goal of this brief research paper is to investigate Renaissance portrait lighting and apply any knowledge gained to reference photographs and a quick sketch of a contemporary composition of a model dressed in medieval garb. This article is divided into the following three parts Researching Lighting and Composition Lighting and composition are so closely linked that it s almost impossible to talk about one without the other. Examples of Renaissance and early post-Renaissance portraits explore a few of the diverse roles of lighting and composition in the visual communication of ambiance form and spatial depth. Applying Renaissance Composition to Photos Research has given me numerous ideas that are translated into reference photos of my model. Capturing Light in a Composition I render a rough sketch with help from various reference photos to demonstrate my proposed composition. This lesson is recommended for anyone with an interest in Renaissance art as well as home schooling academic and recreational fine art educators of advanced students. 7 PAGES - 17 ILLUSTRATIONS Published by Hoddinott Fine Art Publishers Halifax NS Canada - 2007 2 Researching Lighting and Composition fg K 1 I Io SjI L - I Lighting and composition are so closely linked that it s almost impossible to talk about one without the other. This section of the paper uses examples of Renaissance and early postRenaissance portraits to explore a few of the diverse roles of lighting and composition in the visual communication of ambiance form and spatial depth. A less tangible but significant aspect of composition for portraitists employs the use of clothing body language and facial expression to create an ambiance appropriate to the artist s emotional vision for his or her work. Creating the illusion of a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface was a major innovation of the masters of the .

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