TAILIEUCHUNG - Exploration in the World of the Ancients

Upon hearing that there is to be a book about discovery and exploration in the ancient world, many people express some surprise: “Were there explorers in the ancient world?” “What did they discover?” Such doubts are understandable because there are so many preconceptions and misconceptions about the nature of discovery and exploration. Although no single book can set the record straight for everyone, this volume— one in a set that will describe the entire history of the discovery and exploration of the world—should go a long way toward throwing light on this remote phase of history | DISCOVERY EXPLORATION Exploration in the World of the Ancients John S. Bowman John S. Bowman and Maurice Isserman General Editors Exploration in the World of the Ancients DISCOVERY EXPLORATION Exploration in the World of the Ancients JOHN S. BOWMAN JOHN S. BOWMAN and MAURICE ISSERMAN General Editors Facts On File .

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