PRO FES SIONAL BAS KET BALL IS THE KIND OF CA REER THAT YOU DREAM ABOUT hav ing when you are a child. For years and years, boys and girls have imag ined be ing the one drib bling the ball down the court, stop ping at the three-point line and launch ing the win ning shot. Children have of ten pre tended to leap into the air and pull off an amaz ing 360-de gree wind mill dunk, all the time won der ing what it re ally would feel like to ac com plish such a feat. Young sters yearn to some day be the. | w ehs Mnaas CAREERS IN _____SSIONAL BASKETBALL WEE1C Oprof MEW OmRs AMRS ai rs Institute Research Number 29 ISBN 1-5851 1-029-9 O Net SOC Code CAREERS IN PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL YOUR DREAM CAN COME TRUE 2 PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL IS THE KIND OF CAREER THAT YOU DREAM ABOUT having when you are a child. For years and years boys and girls have imagined being the one dribbling the ball down the court stopping at the three-point line and launching the winning shot. Children have often pretended to leap into the air and pull off an amazing 360-degree windmill dunk all the time wondering what it really would feel like to accomplish such a feat. Youngsters yearn to someday be the one making the impossible no-look bounce pass to set-up an easy lay-up. It is truly the stuff that childhood dreams are made of. Yet for most people professional basketball careers remain dreams. All too often talented individuals give up their quest for basketball glory because the odds seem insurmountable. They may believe that there are too many other players with more talent. They may feel that they just aren t good enough. They may feel that there simply aren t enough job openings for them to have a prayer of landing one. Or they may simply be afraid of putting in the hard work required and taking such a monumental risk. True it is hard to become a professional athlete. However it is possible provided a person knows how to go about it has the desire and is willing to put forth the effort required to find success. Do you think you have what it takes to find employment in this competitive career field Are you willing to work hard and make sacrifices in order to make your hoop dreams a reality If so then this report can help you. It contains tips from the experts as well as personal comments from current and former basketball stars. It certainly won t guarantee you a long and lucrative career as a basketball player. It won t even guarantee you a short stint as a bench-warmer in the .

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