Since many people still know so little about car-sharing, their deciding to become a member of a car-sharing organization may involve a decision process taking a year or more. For this reason, providers and other advocates of car-sharing need to be very persistent in their marketing efforts. It has been observed in continental parts of Europe that the numbers of members in an open car-sharing organization tend to accelerate as the organization becomes increasingly well established and recognized as reliable. . | . CLIMATE ACTION REPORT 2006 Fourth National Communication of the United States of America Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change . CLIMATE ACTION REPORT 2006 The United States is pursuing a comprehensive strategy to address global climate change that is science-based fosters breakthroughs in clean energy technologies and encourages coordinated global action in support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC . The . strategy integrates measures to address climate change into a broader agenda that promotes energy security pollution reduction and sustainable economic development. This integrated approach recognizes that actions to address climate change including actions to mitigate greenhouse gas GHG emissions will be more sustainable and successful if they produce multiple economic and environmental benefits. The United States is committed to continued leadership on climate change. Promoting biofuels advanced fossil fuel technologies renewable sources of energy and advanced nuclear technologies is a key component of . climate-related efforts. Since 2001 the Nation has dedicated nearly 29 billion to advance climate-related science technology international assistance and incentive programs. In 2002 President Bush announced plans to cut GHG intensity emissions per unit of economic activity by 18 percent by 2012. The Nation is on track to meet this goal. Dozens of federal programs including partnerships consumer information campaigns incentives and mandatory regulations combined with state and local efforts contribute to the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC stabilizing atmospheric GHG concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. These coordinated actions are advancing the development and market uptake of cleaner more efficient energy technologies conservation biological and geological sequestration and adaptation to climate risks. Recognizing the .

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