TAILIEUCHUNG - A study on extent of adoption of improved cultivation practices by turmeric growers in Belagavi District, Karnataka, India

The present study was conducted during 2017-18 in Belagavi district of Karnataka to analyze the extent of adoption of improved cultivation practices by turmeric growers. A total of 120 respondents were selected randomly which includes 60 respondents from Raibag and Gokaktaluks since production, productivity and area under turmeric was found to be maximum. The findings of the study revealed that, per cent of turmeric growers belonged to medium level of overall adoption, followed by high ( %) and low ( %) level overall adoption of improved cultivation practices. With respect to adoption of individual improved turmeric cultivation practices, majority of turmeric growers fully adopted the land preparation practices (> %), Mother rhizomes for seed purpose ( %), recommended variety and planting time (> %), planting method ( %), intercropping ( %), FYM-Farm Yard Manure ( %), Nitrogen and Potassium application ( %), Number of irrigations to turmeric (), Manual weeding ( %), Maturity and Harvesting practices (> %), traditional method of preservation of rhizomes ( %) and post-harvest management practices (> %). | A study on extent of adoption of improved cultivation practices by turmeric growers in Belagavi District, Karnataka, India

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