TAILIEUCHUNG - Bio efficacy evaluation of Bentazone against major weeds of rice grown in direct seeded condition of South Eastern Rajasthan, India

A field experiment was carried out at Agricultural Research Station, Kota, Rajasthan during rainy (Kharif) season of 2016 and 2017, to evaluate bio efficacy of bentazone against major weeds of rice grown in direct seeded condition of south eastern Rajasthan. Treatments included post emergence application of bentazone @ to kg , 2,4 D@ , hand weeding twice (20 and 40 DAS) and weedy check, was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The pooled data of two years revealed that application of bentazone @ kg resulted in significantly higher weed control efficiency, plant height, dry matter accumulation at 45 DAS and at harvest, tillers/plant, panicles/plant, panicles length, panicle weight/plant, grains/panicle and test weight, grain and straw yield, net return and B:C ratio than weedy check without any residual effect on succeeding wheat crop. However, maximum, growth and yield attributes, grain and straw yields, net return and B:C ratio were recorded in hand weeding twice at 20 and 40 DAS in paddy as compared to all weed management practices of herbicides. | Bio efficacy evaluation of Bentazone against major weeds of rice grown in direct seeded condition of South Eastern Rajasthan, India

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