TAILIEUCHUNG - Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Gyrocarpus Asiaticus on Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in zebra fish

Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity is a common model for accessing the hepatoprotective nature of new molecules. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of aqueous extract of Gyrocarpus asiaticus on paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in zebra fish. Fish were challenged with 20mM concentration of paracetamol followed by treatment with aqueous extract of Gyrocarpus asiaticus. Serum was evaluated for alanine transferase (ALT) concentration and liver samples were collected for histopathological analysis. Result of this study showed that, there was marked elevation of ALT in induced group and compare to paracetamol induced toxicity group, Gyrocarpus asiaticus treated group has got marked reduction in ALT which also confirmed through histopathological analysis, where the treatment group showed normal morphological features. Hence further study can be done to elucidate the mechanism of action of Gyrocarpus asiaticus through molecular level to have a confirmation of hepatoprotective nature of this plant | Hepatoprotective effect of aqueous extract of Gyrocarpus Asiaticus on Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in zebra fish

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