Vietnam is mostly located in the tropical region; Hilly and mountainous regions account for Hilly and mountainous regions account for ¾ of of VietnamVietnam’’s total natural land;s total natural land; Vietnam has coastal lines more than 3,000 km Vietnam has coastal lines more than 3,000 km long;long;High diversity of forests: tropical rain forest in High diversity of forests: tropical rain forest in most region, submost region, sub-tropical forest in the north and tropical forest in the north and at high altitudes, mangrove forest along at high altitudes, mangrove forest along coastline;coastline;Complex terrain and diversity of forest types Complex terrain and diversity of. | APPLICATIONAPPLICATION OFOF REMOTEREMOTE SENSINGSENSING ININ FORESTFOREST SECTORSECTOR OFOF VIETNAM:VIETNAM: StatusStatus andand futurefuture directiondirection Pham Manh Cuong (Dr. Sc.) FOREST DEPARTMENT (FD) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) OverviewOverview 1. Forest administration system in Vietnam 2. Information needed for forest management in Vietnam 3. Application of RS in forest management in Vietnam: Past and present 4. Future Direction . ForestsForests andand ForestForest AdministrationAdministration SystemSystem inin VietnamVietnam Forest Changes in Vietnam VietnamVietnam isis mostlymostly locatedlocated inin thethe tropicaltropical region;region; HillyHilly andand mountainousmountainous regionsregions accountaccount forfor ¾¾ ofof VietnamVietnam’’ss totaltotal naturalnatural land;land; VietnamVietnam hashas coastalcoastal lineslines moremore thanthan 3,0003,000 kmkm long;long; HighHigh diversitydiversity ofof forests:forests: tropicaltropical rainrain forestforest inin mostmost region,region, subsub--tropicaltropical forestforest inin thethe northnorth andand atat highhigh altitudes,altitudes, mangrovemangrove forestforest alongalong coastline;coastline; ComplexComplex terrainterrain andand diversitydiversity ofof forestforest typestypes causecause difficultydifficulty inin forestforest . Forest Changes in Vietnam ForestForest covercover hashas changedchanged dramaticallydramatically andand dynamicallydynamically overover thethe timetime andand space;space; TheThe changeschanges areare notnot alwaysalways inin progressive,progressive, deforestationdeforestation versusversus reforestation;reforestation; MostMost residualresidual naturalnatural forestsforests areare locatedlocated inin thethe mountainousmountainous regions,regions, difficultdifficult toto access;access; ForestForest covercover changeschanges 50 80 45 43 36,7 40 70 35,8 34,3 37 33,8 32,1 35 (%) 60 28,2 27,2 30 30 (M .
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