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Implicit Feedback, in which an IR system unobtrusively monitors search behavior, removes the need for the searcher to explicitly indicate which documents are relevant (M. Morita and Y. Shinoda, 1994). The technique uses implicit relevance indications, although not being as accurate as explicit feedback, is proved can be an effective substitute for explicit feedback in interactive information seeking environments (R. White et al., 2002). | An Iterative Implicit Feedback Approach to Personalized Search Yuanhua Lv 1 Le Sun 2 Junlin Zhang 2 Jian-Yun Nie 3 Wan Chen 4 and Wei Zhang 2 1 2 Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080 China 3 University of Montreal Canada 1 lvyuanhua@gmail.com 2 sunle junlinOl zhangwei04 @iscas.cn 3 nie@iro.umontreal.ca 4 chenwan@nus.edu.sg Abstract General information retrieval systems are designed to serve all users without considering individual needs. In this paper we propose a novel approach to personalized search. It can in a unified way exploit and utilize implicit feedback information such as query logs and immediately viewed documents. Moreover our approach can implement result re-ranking and query expansion simultaneously and collaboratively. Based on this approach we develop a client-side personalized web search agent PAIR Personalized Assistant for Information Retrieval which supports both English and Chinese. Our experiments on TREC and HTRDP collections clearly show that the new approach is both effective and efficient. 1 Introduction Analysis suggests that while current information retrieval systems e.g. web search engines do a good job of retrieving results to satisfy the range of intents people have they are not so well in discerning individuals search goals J. Teevan et al. 2005 . Search engines encounter problems such as query ambiguity and results ordered by popularity rather than relevance to the user s individual needs. To overcome the above problems there have been many attempts to improve retrieval accuracy based on personalized information. Relevance Feedback G. Salton and C. Buckley 1990 is the main post-query method for automatically improving a system s accuracy of a user s individual need. The technique relies on explicit relevance assessments i.e. indications of which documents contain relevant information . Relevance feedback has been proved to be quite effective for improving retrieval accuracy G. Salton and C. Buckley 1990