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Introdungcing English language part 13: 'In this exciting new textbook, Louise Mullany and Peter Stockwell have provided a fresh and imaginative set of alternatives for teaching and learning a huge amount about the English language. The book allows tor creative and lateral approaches to developing an understanding of important linguistic concepts and, together with the thought-provoking activities, and accessible readings, guarantees there is something to stimulate every learner. | 58 DEVELOPMENT ASPECTS OF ENGLISH CONSONANTS AND VOWELS In all of the B sections we will offer further discussion and explanation of the areas that we introduced in Section A. Rather than providing extra detail on everything that was introduced we focus in this section on some of the significant aspects of the English language. In this unit for example we examine the nature of consonants and vowels in more detail. Consonants In A1 we introduced the three-part categorisation system for characterising the articulation of a consonant place manner and voice. To develop our knowledge of this process further it is helpful to view these three different categorical elements in a systematic format which is most commonly achieved by viewing consonants in a grid formation. However before we do this it is useful first to present a detailed list of the range of consonant symbols of the English language so that you are familiar with the symbols that belong to the International Phonetic Alphabet for consonant production. Many of these symbols will be very familiar as they are the same as traditional English spelling though there are also some that are quite different. Alongside each symbol is an example of a specific word to illustrate the particular sound quality that is being represented. The exact part of the word which is being represented by the phonetic symbol is underlined. p - pat b - bad t - tin d - dog k - can g - got - bu er glottal stop m - man n - tan f - sing r - road f - flash v - van 9 - thigh 3 - the s - sit z - zinc J - sheep n - leisure h - ham l - loft j - Xet tJ - church d3 - judge w - wipe CONSONANTS AND VOWELS 59 While the location of particular sounds within individual words is represented here by underlining there is a more principled way to characterise this by referring to word initial word medial and word final position. For example with 9 the example given above thigh is word initial. This sound occurs in word medial position in author and word final