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Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 70

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Thời gian-Savers Trong suốt cuốn sách này, chúng tôi đã cung cấp cho bạn những kỹ thuật tốt nhất để nhập liệu, tối ưu hóa, và outputting hình ảnh của bạn ở mọi công đoạn trong quy trình kỹ thuật số. Trong chương cuối cùng, chúng tôi sẽ trình bày một số cách để giúp bạn tiết kiệm thời gian và nâng cao hiệu quả của bạn. Adobe Photoshop có một số cách để bạn có thể tự động hoá nhiều nhiệm vụ mà bạn thực hiện nhiều lần | Time-Savers 11 Throughout this book we ve provided you with the best techniques for inputting optimizing and outputting your images at every stage of the digital workflow. In this last chapter we ll present some ways to help you save time and improve your efficiency. Adobe Photoshop has a variety of ways for you to automate many of the tasks that you perform repeatedly. That way you can spend less time optimizing images and more time being creative either in the field with your camera or in Photoshop 451 TIME-SAVERS Chapter Contents Actions and Batch Processing Using the Image Processor Creating a Copyright Brush Individualizing Keyboard Shortcuts 452 CHAPTER 11 TIME-SAVERS Photoshop ONLY Actions and Batch Processing Time is in short supply for most of us. And if we re offered a way to get a job done with equal quality but in far less time most of us would eagerly choose the more efficient method.if for no other reason than ultimately it means we ll have more time to get back to the things we love such as taking more photos When it comes to becoming efficient with repetitive tasks in Photoshop one of the keys is creating actions and applying those actions to a group of images in batch. Actions allow you to automate just about any series of steps you can perform in Photoshop. You can record a series of steps and then have those steps applied to additional images in exactly the same way. Batch processing allows you to apply the action to a group of images at once. The result can be a significant boost to your productivity. Let s look at an example where we ll create an action to add the Safe Dodge and Burn layers that we covered in Chapter 6 Exposure Adjustments. Creating an Action The Actions panel is Command Central for creating and managing your actions. So start by selecting the Actions panel shown in Figure 11.1 . If it isn t visible choose Window Actions from the menu or use the keyboard shortcut Alt F9 Option F9. Figure 11.1 The Actions panel is Command .

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