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Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Using transcriptomics to identify and validate novel biomarkers of human skeletal muscle cancer cachexia | Stephens et al. Genome Medicine 2010 2 1 http genomemedicine.eom content 2 1 1 w Genome Medicine RESEARCH Open Access Using transcriptomics to identify and validate novel biomarkers of human skeletal muscle cancer cachexia 121 h 2 n A Qfom h on c1 H i n I 112 1 ho r 2 I -J Dr y w a l o rc3 Di h 2 rv4 I Cl irn A - wl hO Ron I I Thn Tmolc MiarciTiannH INdUldllAjtcpilcllS Idll IJGdlldyi lei OldvnUUydCkei s nlClldlUJDkipvvUltll Dcllnldll lioeisividisudliu James A Ross1 Denis C Guttridge5 Ldrs Lundell3 Kenneth C Fedron1 dnd Jdmes A Timmons 2-6-7 Abstract Background Cdncer cdchexid is d multi-orgdn tissue wdsting syndrome thdt contributes to morbidity dnd mortdlity in mdny cdncer pdtients. Skeletdl muscle loss represents dn estdblished key fedture yet there is no moleculdr understdnding of the disedse process. In fdct the postuldted moleculdr reguldtors of cdncer cdchexid origindte ldrgely from pre-clinicdl models dnd it is uncledr how these trdnsldte to the clinicdl environment. Methods Rectus abdominis muscle biopsies were obtdined from 65 upper gdstrointestindl UGI cdncer pdtients during open surgery dnd RNA profiling wds performed on d subset of this cohort n 21 using the Affymetrix U133 2 pldtform. Qudntitdtive dndlysis revedled d gene signdture which underwent technicdl vdliddtion dnd independent confirmation in d sepdrdte clinicdl cohort. Results Qudntitdtive significdnce dndlysis of microdrrdys produced dn 83-gene signdture thdt wds dble to identify pdtients with gredter thdn 5 weight loss while this moleculdr profile wds unreldted to mdrkers of systemic infldmmdtion. Selected genes correldting with weight loss were vdliddted using qudntitdtive redl-time PCR dnd independently studied ds generdl cdchexid biomdrkers in didphrdgm dnd vastus lateralis from d second cohort n 13 UGI cdncer pdtients . CdMKIip correldted positively with weight loss in dll muscle groups dnd CdMKII protein levels were elevdted in rectus abdominis. TIE1 wds dlso positively dssocidted with .