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This text has been written primarily for the specialist market of second and third year undergraduate and post-graduate students of economics. The clear explanations and basic principles that underpin the text, however, make it readily accessible to non-economists coming to environmental economics from diverse programmes of study. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics is among the leading textbooks in its field. Well written and rigorous in its approach, this third edition follows in the vein of previous editions and continues to provide a comprehensive and clear account of the application of economic analysis to environmental issues | Natural Resource and Environ II ental Economics TONY PRATO Iowa Slate University Press Ames Tony Prato is professor of resource economics and management and director of the Center for Agricultural Resource and Environmental Systems at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has written extensively on the assessment and management of natural resources. 1998 Iowa State University Press Ames Iowa 50014 All rights reserved Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use or the internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Iowa State University Press provided that the base fee of .10 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by eCC a separate system of payments has been arranged. The fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Service is 0-8138-2938-0 98 .10. @ Printed on acid-free paper in the United States of America First edition 1998 International Standard Book. Number. 0-8138-2938-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Prato Tony Natural resource and environmental economics Tony Prato. 1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8138-2938-0 1. Natural resources Economic aspects. 2. Environmental economics. I. Title. HC21.P73 1998 333.7 dc21 97-25983 Last digit is the print number 987654321 Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii 1. Importance of Natural Resources and Environment 3 Nature and Importance of Problems 3 Global Wanning 4 Ozone Depletion 5 Acid Deposition 7 Conservation of Biological Diversity 8 Temporal Scientific and Policy Aspects 10 Contributing Factors 11 Population 11 Per Capita Resource Use 13 Environmental Damages 14 Technology 15 Approaches to Resource and Environmental Issues 17 Role of Economics 19 Reductionist versus Holistic Science 20 Summary 21 Questions for Discussion 22 Further Readings 23 Notes 23 2. Economic and Financial Concepts in Resource .