Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ
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Loét áp lực, hoặc áp lực đau, là một khu vực của da dởm gây ra bằng cách ngồi hoặc nằm trong một vị trí cho một thời gian dài của thời gian. Lở loét áp lực có thể gây đau, mất một thời gian dài để chữa lành | o i m in Management Presence of Pressure Ulcers in Nursing Home Residents A pressure ulcer or pressure sore is an area of broken down skin caused by sitting or lying in one position for an extended period of time. Pressure sores can be painful take a long time to heal and cause other complications such as skin or bone infections. Pressure sores are classified into four stages stages 1 through 4 with stage 4 being the most severe according to the depth or type of tissue damage. The measures presented here include all four stages. Figure 2.45. Short-stay and long-stay nursing home residents with pressure ulcers by type of resident 1999-2005 20 25 I- - - Short-stay -----High-risk long-stay Low-risk long-stay 15 0 o 0 CL 10 ý 1 1 Ỷ Ỷ ------------------------------- -------- 0 Lj------1------1-----I I --------1------J 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Source Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services Minimum Data Set 1999-2005. Denominator All residents in Medicare or Medicaid certified nursing and long-term care facilities. There were only minor improvements in pressure sore measures for all three types of nursing home residents between 1999 and 2005. From 1999 to 2005 the rate of short-stay residents with pressure ulcers fell from 22.4 to 20.7 Figure 2.45 .xxviii For high-risk long-stay residents the rate fell from 14.3 to 13.1 and for low-risk long-stay residents the rate fell from 2.8 to 2.5 .xxviii xxix High-risk long-stay residents have a fivefold greater risk of having pressure sores than low-risk long-stay residents. xxviii Short-stay refers to residents who are admitted to a facility and stay fewer than 30 days these admissions also referred to as post-acute typically follow an acute care hospitalization and involve high-intensity rehabilitation or clinically complex care. xxix Long-stay also know as chronic care refers to residents who enter a nursing facility typically because they are no longer able to care for themselves at home they tend to remain in the .