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CARD M & E chiến lược và thủ tục được mô tả trong tài liệu này được dựa trên AusAID khuyến nghị để theo dõi và đánh giá dự án như mô tả trong AusGuide đó là tải về từ www.ausaid.gov.au / ausguide. Chất liệu cũng xuất phát từ hướng dẫn " Dự án M & E "được sản xuất bởi Quỹ Quốc tế về phát triển nông nghiệp (IFAD) và tải về từ www.ifad.org / đánh giá / hướng dẫn. | J AííSSÈỈ. Australian Government AusAID MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURES VERSION 3 Collaboration for Agriculture Rural Development Program Vietnam January 2010 January 2010 CARD - M E Procedures TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary List of Abbreviations 1 CARD M E FRAMEWORK.2 1.1 Introduction.2 1.2 Overview.2 1.3 Proj ect Level M E.3 1.4 Program Level M E.3 1.5 Institutional Level M E.4 1.6 Where M E Fits in the CARD Project Cycle.4 1.7 Purpose of this Document.5 2 BASIC Principles of monitoring and evaluation.5 2.1 Overview.5 2.2 The Five Key Questions.5 2.3 Different Projects Different Approach.7 3 M E IN THE cArD program.7 3.1 Overview.7 3.2 Logical Framework Logframe Methodology.7 3.3 Intermediate and Final Outcomes Impacts.9 3.4 Designing for Impact.9 3.5 When to Monitor and Evaluate .10 4 TECHNIQUES OF M E AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT.11 4.1 Performance Indicators.11 4.2 Information Sources and Timing of Impacts.12 4.3 Using Negative Findings.13 4.4 Baseline Information.13 4.5 Options for Comparison.15 4.6 Contribution Analysis.15 4.7 Specific M E Tools.16 4.8 Impacts to be Assessed.18 4.9 Environmental Monitoring.19 4.10 Judging a Project s Success.20 5 BENEFIT COST aNaLYSIS in M E.20 5.1 Overview.20 5.2 Identifying Benefits and Costs.21 5.3 The Representative Farm Concept.22 5.4 Enterprise Budgets.23 5.5 Comparing Benefits and Costs.23 6 workpLan For evalaution of the card program.24 6.1 Overview.24 6.2 Mid-Term Reviews.25 6.3 Project and Program Completion Evaluations. 25 6.4 Ex Post Evaluations . 26 6.5 Further Training needs. 26 6.6 Conclusions . 27 Attachment 1 Terminology and Definitions Attachment 2 Procedures and Terms of Reference for Mid-Term Reviews January 2010 CARD - M E Procedures Attachment 3 Procedures and Terms of Reference for Project Completion Evaluations Attachment 4 Enterprise Financial Analysis Templates LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AMC APR AusAID BCA BCR CARD EIA EMP EOI IFAD M E MARD MTR PCC PCE PCR PMU STED TAP TOR Australian Managing .