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Chính phủ Quỹ các loại Tổng Doanh thu địa phương nguồn nguồn Nhà nước Liên bang nguồn Tổng Doanh thu Chi phí dịch vụ Hướng dẫn Hỗ trợ: Học sinh dạy nhân viên quản lý trường học quản lý Lĩnh vực hoạt động và bảo trì của nhà máy Giao thông vận tải | SENATOBIA MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Combined Statement of Revenues Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances -All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds For the Year Ended June 30 1997 Exhibit B Governmental Fund Types Fiduciary Fund Type General Special Revenue Capital Projects Debt Service Expendable Trust Total Memorandum Only Revenues Local sources 1 276 778 191 656 13 367 144 202 1 635 1 627 638 State sources 4 112 657 420 488 215 000 4 748 145 Federal sources 3 406 1 026 190 1 029 596 Total Revenues 5 392 841 1 638 334 228 367 144 202 1 635 7 405 379 Expenditures Instruction 3 632 883 680 839 859 4 314 581 Support services Students 203 040 98 431 301 471 Instructional staff 176 006 333 593 509 599 General administration 126 356 76 625 202 981 School administration 341 084 39 408 380 492 Business 95 999 95 999 Operation and maintenance of plant 474 286 28 645 37 876 540 807 Transportation 174 409 72 674 247 083 Central 6 436 321 6 757 Noninstructional services 53 833 364 759 335 418 927 Facilities acquisition and construction 70 824 4 637 702 461 777 922 Debt service Principal 20 000 70 000 90 000 Interest 29 560 69 594 99 154 Other 816 1 486 2 302 Total Expenditures 5 405 532 1 699 932 740 337 141 080 1 194 7 988 075 Excess of Revenues Over Under Expenditures 12 691 61 598 511 970 3 122 441 582 696 Other Financing Sources Uses Proceeds of loans 800 000 800 000 Operating transfers in 41 191 50 563 91 754 Operating transfers out 84 162 7 592 91 754 Total Other Financing Sources Uses 42 971 42 971 800 000 800 000 8This is trial version www.adultpdf.com Excess of Revenues and Other Sources Over Under Expenditures and Other Uses 55 662 18 627 288 030 3 122 441 217 304 Fund Balances July 1 1996 1 000 911 234 011 40 128 31 181 1 306 231 June 30 1997 945 249 215 384 288 030 43 250 31 622 1 523 535 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. 9This is trial version www.adultpdf.com SENATOBIA MUNICIPAL SCHOOL DISTRICT .