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Hiệu chuẩn áp kế thương mại điện tử (như NETECH DigiMano) phải được gửi trả lại cho nhà sản xuất hàng năm cho hiệu chuẩn đối với một tiêu chuẩn thủy ngân. Những thiết bị vượt qua các giao thức xác nhận của Hiệp hội Mỹ Cụ Y Tế (AAMI) sẽ có lỗi hệ thống trên 5 mmHg | 172 Improving the diagnosis and management of high blood pressure mercury manometer at regular intervals. Commercial electronic calibration manometers such as the NETECH DigiMano must be sent back to the manufacturer yearly for calibration against a mercury standard. Devices that pass the validation protocols of the American Association of Medical Instrumentation AAMI will have systematic errors of more than 5 mmHg in a substantial number of individual patients. The calibration check of a nonmercury device requires two steps i validation of the manometer in the device and ii validation of the ability of the device to estimate the pressure in an individual patient. For an up-to-date list of validate devices go to http www.bhsoc.org bp_monitors automatic.stm Does the manometer in my nonmercury device record pressure accurately First you must document whether the manometer of the device electronic or aneroid registers pressure accurately. Connect the device to be tested to the reference device mercury aneroid or electronic with a Y tube as shown in Figure 1. The Y tube transmits pressure equally to the reference device and the device to be tested. Using the bulb connected to the Y pressure is increased to 300 mmHg and then lowered by 10 mmHg. Recording the pressure on each device validates the accuracy of the aneroid or electronic device. Any device that differs by more than 3 mmHg from the mercury or reference standard is considered to be out of calibration and should be removed from service. Does this automated device estimate the pressure accurately enough in my patient The second step is to assess the error if any of the BP estimated by the automated device. This is done by simultaneous or by sequential readings. Simultaneous readings This is the preferred option. If the device can deflate at a constant rate of 2 to 3 mm sec one can do simultaneous readings. Record the BP by the auscultatory method as the automated device takes the BP. To be certain the automatic