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women experience an irrfettion of Ihe urogeriilaltratt al some lime Ths incsl common sympicmaiic mlei;1inn& pre vulvnV3glnaliandldla&i&(lhru£h)anaunnarylractinleHinn& Tim squally Iran&mlssibk Caclerlal InfeMicnsttJlamydia and snniiErriQea Can be earned asymptotically lor monlhs or evtn years Viral infections such Bshynanpapillnm^virusfHPVl and herpes simple* may pg;&isS lor Irfe. | Chapter 15 Infections in gynaecology Table 15.1 Diffemi Prmcipksol management of se-ually Lrdri ini 3ib e ml clianA ower genital tide I m dctiuns 166 167 Jnper genitaUratf mis ticns i Genital uiDprdisen ip 176 Oilier viral ir leclions 1 Bl HIV infection 1B2 Urinarylraclmtainn 1B7 Symptoms A H Ilcbing i i boreuesi Smell Colour Consistency pH Confirmed bv OVERVIEW bkii.i women experience an irrfettion of Ihe urogeriilaltratt al some lime Ths incsl common sympicmaiic mlei 1 inn pre vulvn-V3glnaliandldla i lhru h anaunnarylractinleHinn Tim squally Iran mlssibk Caclerlal InfeMicnsttJlamydia and snniiErriQea Can be earned asymptotically lor monlhs or evtn years Viral infections such BshynanpapillnmAvirusfHPVl and herpes simple i may pg isS lor Irfe. Upper genial trad Infection is a Ihrtal ID a we man s future fertility The Irjng-lerm sequelae of direga to Hie Fallopian tobes include edn pic pregnancy and tobuladailor infertility Worldwide human Inmurmdtticiancy virus HIV infectignii predominantly acquired saxuaHyand in some parts ot I1 Ail J as many a 25-30 per cant of orAgnant vcmen are io mlecleti Clinicians need la tp a rnofthoxvayThat HIV allcnjlhs manl-festatlons of. andhoslsusceplibilrh lp gther t . . Ax J - r - . r - . i _ KEmQEgKg gwmgaKXgTCSH Principles ol managemenl or sexually transmissible infections Many p naecokigicjl iiifetiinni vrv it-xudlk lran -iniuibk. Qlheis Auch aA Candida and urinary iracl infection are fretiucnlly InAcied by sexiuiJ inter-oourse although the organism is colonizing the beforehand. It takeA practice to be cottifofl- dd . Caking n lexual histoirhom a patient. If he clinician s enibarrasseA his iiqukklj transmitted to the pa Hunt. II is also difGcull tn take aAeviifil history if he patient s friends or r aliArcb are piesent 01 in a ward or cubicle in which there ij inadtquatt pmacv and soundproofing It is sometimes netessarv 10 pyitpont1 becking a detailed history until tbe i ụ-1 . if Krc can be provided. In order to as.se the risk of