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Sodium concentration in irrigation water replaces calcium by the process of Base Exchange, therefore reduces soil permeability. Furthermore, excess salinity in groundwater used for irrigation decreased plants osmotic activity and interfere water absorption and nutrients from the soil. Nearly 5% of groundwater from the study site exceeds the desirable limit (1000 mg L-1) of chloride. The natural source of chloride is due to the weathering of phosphate mineral apatite present in granites. However, apart from natural sources, industrial discharge is one of the sources that contribute chloride in groundwater. Excessive chloride concentration leads to salinity, which deteriorate the soil (Purushotham et al., 2011) | AUTHENTICATED U.S. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION GPỌ S. Hrg. 112-34 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MAGNUSON-STEVENS FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT hearing BEFORE the SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEANS ATMOSPHERE FISHERIES AND COAST GUARD OF the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE SCIENCE AND TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES SENATE ONE hundred twelfth congress FIRST SESSION march 8 2011 Printed for the use of the Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 67-219 PDF WASHINGTON 2011 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Internet bookstore.gpo.gov Phone toll free 866 512-1800 DC area 202 512-1800 Fax 202 512-2104 Mail Stop IDCC Washington DC 20402-0001 SENATE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE SCIENCE AND TRANSPORTATION ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV West Virginia Chairman KAY BAIlEy HUTCHISON Texas Ranking OLYMPIA J. SNOWE Maine JOHN ENSIGN Nevada DANIEL K. INOUYE Hawaii JOHN F. KERRY Massachusetts BARBARA BOXeR California BILL NELSON Florida MARIA CANTWELL Washington FRANK R. LAUTENBERG New Jersey MARK PRYOR Arkansas CLAIRE MCCASKILL Missouri AMY KLOBUCHAR Minnesota TOM UDALL New Mexico MARK WARNER Virginia MARK BEGICH Alaska JIM DEMINT South Carolina JOHN THUNE South Dakota ROGER F. WICKER Mississippi JOHNNY ISAKSON Georgia ROY BLUNT Missouri JOHN BOOZMAN Arkansas PATRICK J. TOOMEY Pennsylvania MARCO RUBIO Florida KELLY AYOTTE New Hampshire Ellen L. Doneski Chief of Staff James Reid Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce H. AndreWs General Counsel Ann Begeman Republican Staff Director Brian M. Hendricks Republican Chief Counsel SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEANS ATMOSPHERE FISHERIES AND COAST GUARD MARK BEGICH Alaska Chairman DANIEL K. INOUYE Hawaii JOHN F. KERRY Massachusetts BILL NELSON Florida MARIA CANTWELL Washington FRANK R. LAUTENBERG New Jersey AMY KLOBUCHAR Minnesota MARK WARNER Virginia OLYMPIA J. SNOWE Maine Ranking JOHN ENSIGN Nevada ROGER F. WICKER Mississippi JOHNNY ISAKSON Georgia JOHN BOOZMAN Arkansas MARCO .