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không có câu trả lời chính cho các hoạt động này. Chia sẻ bằng văn bản của bạn với bạn bè hoặc giáo viên. Họ sẽ cho bạn biết như thế nào bạn đang làm, Bạn có thể tìm thêm các bài tiểu luận và các chủ đề bao gồm bất cứ chủ đề mới từ ETS, ngày Tiến sĩ | PLANNING THE ESSAY 71 REVISE Proofing Checklist Reread your essay. Use this checklist as a guide. 1 CONTENT 1 Is there a thesis statement or introduction 1 Is there a topic sentence for each paragraph I Are there supporting details for each topic statement Is there a conclusion y CLARITY Are there run-on sentences or sentence fragments Are there misplaced modifiers or dangling modifiers I Are the structures parallel Are there transition words Are the sentences and paragraphs cohesive 1 PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING Are the paragraphs indented Are there punctuation marks such as periods at the end of each sentence Do all sentences begin with capital letters 1 Are all the words spelled correctly 3 Writing the Essay DEVELOPING THE TOPIC .74 STEP 6 WRITE THE TOPIC SENTENCE FOR EACH PARAGRAPH .74 STEP 7 WRITE THE INTRODUCTION .77 GUIDING THE READER.82 DEMONSTRATING FACILITY WITH ENGLISH.85 STEP 8 WRITE THE BODY PARAGRAPHS.85 CONCLUDING THE TOPIC.111 STEP 9 WRITE THE CONCLUSION .111 SELF-TEST ESSAY 3.117 DEVELOPING THE TOPIC STEP 6 WRITE THE TOPIC SENTENCE FOR EACH PARAGRAPH In the chapter on Planning the Essay we learned about a thesis statement. A thesis statement tells the reader what the essay will be about. A topic sentence tells the reader what a paragraph will be about. A topic sentence can introduce the paragraph or it can summarize what has been said in the paragraph. A topic sentence can be at the beginning the middle or the end of a paragraph. When people start writing an essay without planning what they will say the introduction usually has nothing to do with the essay. Some people write the body of an essay first once they know what they have said they go back and write the introduction. You don t have that time. You must plan in advance. If you write a sentence for each of the general ideas in your concept map you will have three to five topic sentences. These topic sentences will be used in the body of your essay and will be summarized in the introduction and .