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Chức năng loadGridPage được gọi là một lần khi tải trang, và sau đó mỗi lần người dùng nhấp chuột trước Trang hoặc Next Page, để tải một trang mới của dữ liệu. Chức năng này gọi là máy chủ không đồng bộ, quy định cụ thể các trang của các sản phẩm cần được lấy ra: | AJAX Grid stylesheetDoc createMsxml2DOMDocumentObject stylesheetDoc.async false stylesheetDoc.load xmlHttp.responseXML The loadG rid Page function is called once when the page loads and then each time the user clicks Previous Page or Next Page to load a new page of data. This function calls the server asynchronously specifying the page of products that needs to be retrieved makes asynchronous request to load a new page of the grid function loadGridPage pageNo disable edit mode when loading new page editableld false continue only if the XMLHttpRequest object isn t busy if xmlHttp xmlHttp.readyState 4 xmlHttp.readyState 0 var query feedGridUrl action FEED_GRlD_PAGE page pageNo xmlHttp.open GET query true xmlHttp.onreadystatechange handleGridPageLoad xmlHttp.send null The handl eGridPageLoad callback function is called to handle the server response. After the typical error handling mechanism it reveals the code that effectively transforms the XML structure received from the server to HTML code that is displayed to the client. The transformation code is again browser-specific performing functionality differently for Internet Explorer and for the browsers with native XLS support the server response in XML format xmlResponse xmlHttp.responseXML browser with native functionality if window.XMLHttpRequest window.XSLTProcessor window.DOMParser load the XSLT document var xsltProcessor new XSLTProcessor xsltProcessor.importStylesheet stylesheetDoc generate the HTML code for the new page of products page xsltProcessor.transformToFragment xmlResponse document display the page of products var gridDiv document.getElementByld gridDivld gridDiv.innerHTML gridDiv.appendChild page Internet Explorer code else if window.ActiveXObject load the XSLT document var theDocument createMsxml2DOMDocumentObject theDocument.async false theDocument.load xmlResponse display the page of products var gridDiv document.getElementByld gridDivld gridDiv.innerHTML theDocument.transformNode stylesheetDoc .