Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ
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Bài viết tập trung trình bày và phân tích về tính đa thanh của câu hỏi tu từ. Đối tượng của bài viết là nhóm những phát ngôn thường được gọi bằng thuật ngữ câu hỏi tu từ. nội dung chi tiết của tài liệu. | S6 2 (244)-2016 N G 6 N NGf & Ddi S6NG 37 DA THANH TRONG CAU HOI TU TlT THE POLYPHONY OF RHETORICAL QUESTION Lfe THI THU HOAI (TS; Dai hgc KHXH & NV, DHQG Hd NOi) Abstract: This paper points out the rhetorical questions are typical polyphonic utterances. It's often used when there are opposite ideas between two voices. The first idea is belong to other people (not Speaker), it is difference with speaker's idea at the time of speech.The second idea is belong to Speaker, it deities the first idea. The Speaker points out the mcorreetness of the first idea and asks the interlocutor to change his or her idea. As the second voice in rhetorical questions is always the speaker, the first voice have many eases: An interlocutor's idea that was told directiy or existed in presupposition, an idea of tiie third person, the other idea of the Speaker, an idea that was inferred from someone's action, an ' idea that the Speaker guesses someone in a possible world can say or think of. ' K^ words: rhetocical questions; polyphony; first voice; second voice; opposite idea. I I. Doi tuong eda bdi viet nay Id nhdm I nhfing phat ngdn thudng dm?e ggi bdng '• thudt ngfi edu hdi tu tir. Tuy nhifin, c ^ phdi i luu "if rdng, trong cdc tdi li$u nghifin ciiu hi$n : nay, thuat ngii cdu hdi tu tir cd thi duoc hilu theo nhihig nghia rdng hep khdc nhau. Cdu i) hdi tu tir theo nghia rdng, hay edn duge ggi I ehung la cau hdi khdng chinh danh. Id nhthig edu cd hinh thiie hdi nhung lai mang mdt gifi f tri ngdn trung khdc, thi hifn nhihig hanh vi , ngdn ngfi tai ldi gidn tifip khac. Cdn cau hdi tu tfi theo nghia h^p (ciing chinh Id ddi tugng md chiing toi quan tam) Id nhttng phat ngdn , mang nhung d|c dilm chung ca bdn gdm: a. Cd lunh thurc nghi van,- b. Bao gid cimg n g ^ in mOt n$i dimg phdn dodn khdng ^ djnh hay phu dinh.; c. Nfiu cau cd ehua tfi phfi dinh thi ngim In ngi dung khdng dinh m$nh dfi tuong fing, vd ngugc 1^, neu cau ' khdng chua tfi phu djnh thi ngim in ngi dung phu dinh m?nh dl tucmg