Tham khảo tài liệu 'master part 5 toeic_10', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Nguyễn Tân Tiến Foreign Trade University 0169503459 TOEIC 10 1. China has made to the US ahead of President Hu Jintao s visit next week. a. a number of trade concessions b. an amount of trade concessions c. number of trade concessions d. amounts of trade concessions 2. Beijing has agreed to remove its ban US beef and make it easier for US firms to bid for public contracts. a. for b. against c. with d. on 3. Also promising to clamp down on goods China s Vice-Premier Wu Yi made the pledges at talks in Washington. a. pirating b. piracy c. pirated d. pirate 4. It was separately announced that China is buying 80 additional 737 planes from US giant Boeing billion. a. cost b. worth c. value d. price 5. Crude prices have broken through the 69 a barrel level amid rising fears of a conflict the US and Iran. a. among b. between c. both d. from 6. Oil prices 13 so far this year driven mainly by concerns about supplies from OPEC members Iran Nigeria and Iraq. a. surged b. are surging c. had surged d. have surged 7. The current round of price surges _ by speculation that the US may attack Iran over its plans to develop nuclear capabilities. a. has been sparked b. are being sparked c. have been sparked d. has sparked 8. The European Union is considering what to take against Iran including sanctions if Iran should continue with its nuclear policy. a. ways b. extends c. modes d. measures 9. Iran says that it needs nuclear power to generate electricity the US and EU are concerned it wants to develop atomic weapons. a. however b. rather c. but d. or 10. Although the US repeated on Monday that it was a seeking a diplomatic solution to the row some fear Washington may be running out of patience with Tehran. a. investments b. investors c. investing d. investor 11. auditioned on Tuesday for a chance to star in a new movie franchise that promises to be a dark rival to the Harry Potter films. a. Thousands of young girls b. Thousands young girls c. Thousand of

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