TAILIEUCHUNG - Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Comparison of morphological and physiological parameters of the planting material of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) from intensive nursery technologies with current bareroot plants"

Tham khảo luận văn - đề án 'báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "comparison of morphological and physiological parameters of the planting material of norway spruce (picea abies [l.] karst.) from intensive nursery technologies with current bareroot plants"', luận văn - báo cáo phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE 55 2009 11 511-517 Comparison of morphological and physiological parameters of the planting material of Norway spruce Picea abies L. Karst. from intensive nursery technologies with current bareroot plants J. Leugner a. Jurasek J. Martincová Forestry and Game Management Research Institute Strnady Opocno Research Station Opocno Czech Republic ABSTRACT High quality of planting material is an essential prerequisite for successful artificial forest regeneration. We carried out a detailed investigation aimed at differences between plantable bareroot and container plants of Norway spruce Picea abies L. Karst. . Based on the results of this experiment there exist marked differences in basic morphological traits between bareroot plants and plugs. The largest differences were observed in root collar diameter and root system volume. Differences in physiological quality nutrient content function of assimilatory organs were also great. The results document that container seedlings of Norway spruce produced by intensive technology in controlled conditions of plastic greenhouses have very good predispositions for successful growth in difficult mountain conditions. Keywords plugs bareroot transplants containerized seedlings morphological and physiological quality Norway spruce High quality of planting material is an essential requirement for successful artificial forest regeneration. Intensive technologies for the production of containerized seedlings and plants are increasingly used in the present nursery practices. If all principles of these intensive greenhouse technologies are observed it is possible to produce the seedlings that are several times superior by their morphological parameters to seedlings grown in the same period in outdoor conditions in mineral soil . Positive features of these plants are lower transpiration but root absorption is higher and better pri-mordia for further growth a higher number of larger and better-developed buds so .

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