TAILIEUCHUNG - Engineering Analysis with Ansys Software Episode 1 Part 4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'engineering analysis with ansys software episode 1 part 4', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 44 Chapter 2 Overview ofANSYS structure and visual capabilities cannot be set directlyfrom the order tosetunits as the international system of units SI from ANSYS Main Menu select Preprocessor Material Props Material Library Select Units. Figure shows the resulting frame. Select Filtering Units for Material Library UNITS Select the UNITS system matching your model Note The units must be selected to allow for proper filtering NO conversion is done by setting the units. Spec y Working Units o r CGS r BFT Hi r BIN r USER OK I Cancel I Help Figure Selection of units for the problem Activate A SI MKS brittontoinform the ANSYS program that this system of units is proposed to be used in the analysis. DefiniNGbnEMbPT TYPES ANDREAL CONSTANTS The ANSYS element library contains more than 100 different element types. Each element typehasa unique numberandaprefot that identifiestheelementcategory. In order to define element types one must be in PREP7. From ANSYS Main Menu select Preprooessotor o-nflement Type -ftAdd EbrVDelete. In responseo tOf frame shown in oiofro t epptirs. f a x. roe Click Od bA Adb button anfnnew frame sEc wn io Fi Obf ears. Select rnappropriateelement typeforthe analysis . IA Solidsiol B 8nodetb3 as shoevuin . Element rea constantsere prooerTer Tmodspefo ro the dement tyeo i ih as cross-sectioneo niepirtioboe t eiemenStyfor oach set of real constantOee are lerrobf dum0erood ehe table of reference number versus real constant ertiecalloo -he ec Obite. Notolt eloment bypetoeouEeeeat constant inddifferontdemenbsof the bame e oioe oeve niffdeeot eoelconsteni values. ANSY ACbin Mem OraDfeP2osoe Modeling of Ceeote E Preprocessing stage 45 Figure Definition of element types to be used. Figure Selection of element types from the library. 46 Chapter 2 Overview ofANSYS structure and visual capabilities Figure Element Attributes. Elements Element Attributes can be used to .

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