TAILIEUCHUNG - Giáo trình chế tạo ôtô - Phần 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo trình chế tạo ôtô - phần 9', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | contents c H A p T E R 9 Riveted Joints 1. Introduction. 2. Methods of Riveting. 3. Material of Rivets. 4. Essential Qualities of a Rivet. 5. Manufacture of Rivets. 6. Types of Rivet Heads. 7. Types of Riveted Joints. 8. Lap Joint. 9. Butt Joint. 10. Important Terms Used in Riveted Joints. 11. Caulking and Fullering. 12. Failures of a Riveted Joint. 13. Strength of a Riveted Joint. 14. Efficiency of a Riveted Joint. 15. Design of Boiler Joints. 16. Assumptions in Designing Boiler Joints. 17. Design of Longitudinal Butt Joint for a Boiler 18. Design of Circumferential Lap Joint for a Boiler 19. Recommended Joints for Pressure Vessels. 20. Riveted Joint for Structural Use-Joints of Uniform Strength Lozenge Joint . 21. Eccentric Loaded Riveted Joint. Introduction A rivet is a short cylindrical bar with a head integral to it. The cylindrical portion of the rivet is called shank or body and lower portion of shank is known as tail as shown in Fig. . The rivets are used to make permanent fastening between the plates such as in structural work ship building bridges tanks and boiler shells. The riveted joints are widely used for joining light metals. The fastenings . joints may be classified into the following two groups 1. Permanent fastenings and 2. Temporary or detachable fastenings. Head Tail Fig. . Rivet parts. Shank or Body 281 CONTENTS 282 A Textbook of Machine Design The permanent fastenings are those fastenings which can not be disassembled without destroying the connecting components. The examples of permanent fastenings in order of strength are soldered brazed welded and riveted joints. The temporary or detachable fastenings are those fastenings which can be disassembled without destroying the connecting components. The examples of temporary fastenings are screwed keys cotters pins and splined joints. Methods of Riveting The function of rivets in a joint is to make a connection that has strength and tightness. The strength is necessary to .

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