TAILIEUCHUNG - Hatching with chalk

Tài liệu tham khảo chuyên nghành hội hoạ, mỹ thuật, giúp các bạn có những kiến thức từ có bản đến chuyên sâu - Hatching with chalk. | Hatching with Z06 ADVANCED DRAWING ON THE MASTERS Explorations into chalks used during the Renaissance are applied to the rendering of a figurative sketch. Simple step-by-step illustrations take you through the process of using hatching graduations to add shading. This project is divided into the following two sections RESEARCH AND PLANNING Creating the illusion of a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface was a major innovation of the masters of the Renaissance. Artists discovered how to transform shapes into forms by identifying highlights and shadows and translating them into light and dark values. USING HATCHING TO SKETCH A FIGURE You render a rough sketch of a man dressed in medieval garb by using chalk and graduations of hatching lines in the final step you add highlights with white gouache. I have used the following supplies for rendering this project Sepia sanguine and white chalk pencils you may prefer conté Arches 140 lb. hot-pressed 100 cotton watercolor paper block and white gouache an opaque craft or acrylic paint will also work . 7 PAGES - 12 ILLUSTRATIONS This lesson is recommended for anyone with an interest in Renaissance art as well as home schooling academic and recreational fine art educators of advanced students. Published by Hoddinott Fine Art Publishers Halifax NS Canada - 2007 2 Research and Planning Creating the illusion of a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface was a major innovation of the masters of the Renaissance. Artists discovered how to transform shapes into forms by identifying highlights and shadows and translating them into light and dark values. Rough sketches in medieval times were simply a stage in either the pursuit of knowledge or the creation of another artwork in a different medium. The process of rendering a sketch with hatching during the 16th century started with a contour sketch and the application of light values. The shadows and darker tones were then superimposed onto the sketch and the

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