TAILIEUCHUNG - Giáo trình chế tạo ôtô - Phần 3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo trình chế tạo ôtô - phần 3', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Engineering Materials and their Properties 1. Introduction. 2. Classification of Engineering Materials. 3. Selection of Materials for Engineering Purposes. 4. Physical Properties of Metals. 5. Mechanical Properties of Metals. 6. Ferrous Metals. 7. Cast Iron. 9. Alloy Cast Iron. 10. Effect of Impurities on Cast Iron. 11. Wrought Iron. 12. Steel. 15. Effect of Impurities on Steel. 16. Free Cutting Steels. 17. Alloy Steels. 19. Stainless Steel. 20. Heat Resisting Steels. 21. Indian Standard Designation of High Alloy Steels Stainless Steel and Heat Resisting Steel . 22. High Speed Tool Steels. 23. Indian Standard Designation of High Speed Tool Steel. 24. Spring Steels. 25. Heat Treatment of Steels. 26. Non-ferrous Metals. 27. Aluminium. 28. Aluminium Alloys. 29. Copper 30. Copper Alloys. 31. Gun Metal. 32. Lead. 33. Tin. 34. Bearing Metals. 35. Zinc Base Alloys. 36. Nickel Base Alloys. 37. Non-metallic Materials. Introduction The knowledge of materials and their properties is of great significance for a design engineer. The machine elements should be made of such a material which has properties suitable for the conditions of operation. In addition to this a design engineer must be familiar with the effects which the manufacturing processes and heat treatment have on the properties of the materials. In this chapter we shall discuss the commonly used engineering materials and their properties in Machine Design. Classification of Engineering Materials The engineering materials are mainly classified as 1. Metals and their alloys such as iron steel copper aluminium etc. 2. Non-metals such as glass rubber plastic etc. The metals may be further classified as a Ferrous metals and b Non-ferrous metals. 16 CONTENTS Engineering Materials and their Properties 17 The ferrous metals are those which have the iron as their main constituent such as cast iron wrought iron and steel. The non-ferrous metals are those which have a metal other than iron as their main constituent .

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