TAILIEUCHUNG - Giáo trình chế tạo ôtô - Phần 1

Tài liệu tham khảo dành cho giáo viên, sinh viên, kỹ thuật viên chuyên ngành cơ khí ôtô - Giáo trình chế tạo ôtô. | contents c H A p T E R 1 Introduction 1. Definition. 2. Classifications of Machine Design. 3. General Considerations in Machine Design. 4. General Procedure in Machine Design. 5. FundamentalUnits. 6. Derived Units. 7. System of Units. 8. . Units International System of Units . 9. Metre. 10. Kilogram. 11. Second. 12. Presentation of Units and their values. 13. Rules for . Units. 14. Mass and Weight. 15. Inertia. 16. Laws of Motion. 17. Force. 18. Absolute and Gravitational Units of Force. 19. Moment of a Force. 20. Couple. 21. Mass Density. 22. Mass Moment of Inertia. 23. Angular Momentum. 24. Torque. 25. Work. 26. Power. 27. Energy. Definition The subject Machine Design is the creation of new and better machines and improving the existing ones. A new or better machine is one which is more economical in the overall cost of production and operation. The process of design is a long and time consuming one. From the study of existing ideas a new idea has to be conceived. The idea is then studied keeping in mind its commercial success and given shape and form in the form of drawings. In the preparation of these drawings care must be taken of the availability of resources in money in men and in materials required for the successful completion of the new idea into an actual reality. In designing a machine component it is necessary to have a good knowledge of many subjects such as Mathematics Engineering Mechanics Strength of Materials Theory of Machines Workshop Processes and Engineering Drawing. 1 CONTENTS 2 A Textbook of Machine Design Classifications of Machine Design The machine design may be classified as follows 1. Adaptive design. In most cases the designer s work is concerned with adaptation of existing designs. This type of design needs no special knowledge or skill and can be attempted by designers of ordinary technical training. The designer only makes minor alternation or modification in the existing designs of the product. 2. Development design.

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