TAILIEUCHUNG - Physics exercises_solution: Chapter 42

Bộ tài liệu bài tập tham khảo môn vật lý bậc đại học bằng tiếng anh Chapter 42 | 421- a K 3kT T 2K 2 7-9 x 10-4eV x 10-19 J eV 2 3k 3 x 10 23 J K T b T 2 x -1 eVl 34 600 k. 3 x 10 J K c The thermal energy associated with room temperature 300 K is much greater than the bond energy of He2 calculated in part a so the typical collision at room temperature will be more than enough to break up He2. However the thermal energy at 300 K is much less than the bond energy of H2 so we would expect it to remain intact at room temperature. a U ----- eV. 4n r b eV eV - eV. Let 1 refer to C and 2 to O. m1 x 10-26kg m2 x 10-26kg r0 nm m- 1 ---2 lr0 nm carbon m1 m2 r2 LmL_ 1r0 nm carbon m1 m2 b I m1r12 m2r22 x 10-46kg m2 yes this agrees with Example . The energy of the emitted photon is x 10-5 eV and so its frequency and wavelength are f E x 10-5eV x 10-19J eV 2 44GHz J h x 10-34J s . X f x 108m s x 109Hz m. This frequency corresponds to that given for a microwave oven. a From Example E1 meV x 10J and I x 10 46 kg m2 K 2 Im2 and K E gives m 2E1 1 x 1012 rad s b v1 r1m1 x 10 9m x 1012 rad s m s carbon v2 r2m2 x 10 9m x 1012 rad s m s oxygen c T 2n m x 10 12s a E0 1-gm eV x 10 20J r 1 2 fW 2 x 10 2J 1 ni E0 -2 gives v x 10-kg 91 x 10 ri s b According the Eq. the spacing between adjacent vibrational energy levels is twice the ground state energy En n 2 nm AE En 1 En gm hf. Thus using the AE specified in Example it follows that its vibrational period is T 1 __ x f AE eV x 10 19J eV c The vibrational period is shorter than the rotational period. a I mrr2 m mH I r 2 rnLl mH J _ x 10 kg x 10kg x 10 m 2 x 10 kg x 10 kg x 10 4 7 kg m2 AE E4 E3 i 4 4 1 3 3 1 T AE 4 10-34J s 2 x 10 kg m2 AE x 10 J x .

337    150    2    16-01-2025
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