TAILIEUCHUNG - Betty Azar - Basic English Grammar 2e-chapter4

EXERCISE 1 : Name things that belong to each category. Make a list. Compare your list with your classmates' lists. AU of the words you use in this exercise are called "nouns." 1. Name clothing you see in this room. (shirt) 2. Name kinds of fruit. (apple) 3. Name things you drink. (coffee) 4. Name parts of the body. (head) 5. Name kinds of animals. (horse) 6. Name cities in the United States and Canada. (new York, Montreal. . . ). | Nouns and Pronouns EXERCISE 1 Name things that belong to each category. Make a list. Compare your list with your classmates lists. All of the words you use in this exercise are called nouns. 1. Name clothing you see in this room shirt 2. Name kinds of fruit apple 3. Name things you drink coffee 4. Name parts of the body head 5. Name kinds of animals horse 6. Name cities in the United States and Canada. New York Montreal. . . note The names of cities begin with capital letters. 7. Name languages. English NOTE The names of languages begin with capital letters. 8. Name school subjects history 4-1 NOUNS SUBJECTS AND OBJECTS NOUN a Birds fly j subject verb NOUN NOUN b John is holding a pen. subject verb object A noun is used as the subject of a sentence. A noun is used as the object of a verb. In a Birds is a NOUN. It is used as the subject of the sentence. In b pen is a noun. It has the article a in front of it a pen is used as the object of the verb is holding. NOUN NOUN c Birds fly in the sky. subject verb prep object of prep. NOUN NOUN NOUN c John is holding j a pen in his hand. subject verb object prep object of prep. A NOUN is also used as the object of a preposition. In c in is a preposition prep. . The noun sky with the article the in front is the OBJFXT of the preposition in. Examples of some common prepositions about across at between by for from in of on to with. Some verbs are followed by an object. These verbs are called transitive verbs . in a dictionary . Some verbs are not followed by an object. These verbs are called intransitive verbs . in a dictionary . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 7 EXERCISE 2 Describe the grammatical structure of the sentences as shown in items 1 and 2. Then identify each NOUN. Is the noun used as the subject of the sentence the object of the verb the object of a preposition 1. Marie studies chemistry. Marie__ studies__ chemistry _ none .

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