TAILIEUCHUNG - Graduate School - Verbal And Quantitative Practice, Gre

The sample questions that follow are organized by content category and represent the types of questions included in the General Test. The purpose of these questions is to provide some indication of the range of topics covered in the test as well as to provide some addi- tional questions for practice purposes. These questions do not represent either the length of the actual test or the proportion of actual test questions within each of the content categories. | GRE Graduate Record Examinations Preparing for the Verbal and Quantitative Sections of the GRE General Test Sample Questions with Explanations E7 r Educational Testing Service Copyright 2002 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Ry EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE ETS the ETS logos GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service. Sample Questions with Explanations The sample questions that follow are organized by content category and represent the types of questions included in the General Test. The purpose of these questions is to provide some indication of the range of topics covered in the test as well as to provide some additional questions for practice purposes. These questions do not represent either the length of the actual test or the proportion of actual test questions within each of the content categories. VERBAL ABILITY The verbal ability measure is designed to test the ability to reason with words in solving problems. Reasoning effectively in a verbal medium depends primarily upon the ability to discern comprehend and analyze relationships among words or groups of words and within larger units of discourse such as sentences and written passages. The verbal measure consists of four question types analogies antonyms sentence completions and reading comprehension sets. The examples of verbal questions in this section do not reflect precisely the difficulty range of the verbal measure. ANALOGIES Analogy questions test the ability to recognize the relationship that exists between the words in a word pair and to recognize when two word pairs display parallel relationships. To answer an analogy question you must formulate the relationship between the words in the given word pair and then must identify the answer choice containing words that are related to one another in most nearly the same way. Some examples of relationships that might be found in analogy questions are relationships of kind size spatial

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