TAILIEUCHUNG - Gre Practice General Test 2003

IMPORTANT The verbal and quantitative sections in the GRE General Test in this publication contain questions written and administered prior to 1995. For this reason, some of the material covered in the questions may be dated. For example, a question may refer to a rapidly changing technology in a way that was correct in the 1980s and early 1990s, but not now. In addition, Educational Testing Service® ETS® has revised and updated its standards and guidelines for test questions so some questions may not meet current standards. Questions that do not meet current ETS standards, and would not appear in GRE tests administered today, are marked with. | This publication is provided FREE with test registration for a paper-based General Test by the Graduate Record Examinations Board. This practice book contains one full-length paper-based GRE General Test test-taking strategies sample verbal and quantitative questions with explanations sample analytical writing topics scored sample essays and reader commentary Become familiar with test structure and content test instructions and answering procedures GRE Graduate Record Examinations PRACTICE GENERAL TEST Compare your practice test results on the verbal and quantitative sections with the performance of those who took the sections at a GRE test administration. Compare your essay responses on the analytical writing section with responses at each score level of individuals who answered these topics at a GRE pretest administration. IMPORTANT NOTICE The test-taking strategies in this publication are appropriate for use at a paper-based administration and do not pertain to the computer-based General Test. Individuals planning to take the computer-based General Test are advised to prepare for the test using GRE POWERPREP software. 2003 2004 Educational Testing Service Visit the GRE Web site at for additional test preparation information. IMPORTANT The verbal and quantitative sections in the GRE General Test in this publication contain questions written and administered prior to 1995. For this reason some of the material covered in the questions may be dated. For example a question may refer to a rapidly changing technology in a way that was correct in the 1980s and early 1990s but not now. In addition Educational Testing Service ETS has revised and updated its standards and guidelines for test questions so some questions may not meet current standards. Questions that do not meet current ETS standards and would not appear in GRE tests administered today are marked with an asterisk see pages 35 and 44 . Note to Test Takers Keep this practice book until you receive

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