TAILIEUCHUNG - Nghệ thuật xếp hình Nhật Bản:wheelchair_new

Nghệ thuật xếp hình: wheelchair_new tài liệu rất có ích, nó giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng gấp tất cả mọi thứ bằng giấy. Bạn có thể gấp thành thạo những gì bạn thích cho riêng mình và cho bạn bè bạn. | Wheelchair Maarten van Gelder Page 1 8 The wheelchair and me a deep sigh . Burning eyes a silent sob . Confused thoughts impotence and shame. Cut off from the world lonely and alone. Fly . but where Damn . walking is over. Be courageous and strong make a new start. Learn to go sitting enter that wheelchair. Discover soon you ll run fast without making a step. People look down on you . rather talk with a stander about you and how. You feel rage and pain . words get stuck. To be a child and small . is to show your will power. My IQ is equal . to yours. You need neither shun me nor push me about. Because . me and my wheelchair . attain our end together Muilekom Wheelchair Maarten van Gelder Page 2 8 This human figure consists of two sheets The top part of the body should start white side down to get a white shirt The bottom part should be color down to get colored trousers Designed because I needed two white black dressed people to my wheelchair 5 6 Wheelchair Maarten van Gelder Page 3 8 11 .

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