TAILIEUCHUNG - Tiếng anh quản trị kinh doanh part 9

Tham khảo tài liệu 'tiếng anh quản trị kinh doanh part 9', ngoại ngữ, anh văn thương mại phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Unit 3 Mixed economies Năm 1962 chính phủ Anh thành lập một tổ chức chính thức để lập kế hoạch các chính sách kinh tế quốc gia. Các thành viên của hội đồng đại diện cho người cho thuê người làm thuê và những người quan tâm khác. Exercise 1 1. No No state today is completely communistic. . 2. No no state is completely capitalistic. 3. Yes The various national economic systems tend towards communism or capitalism. 4. Yes many are difficult to classify exactly. 5. Yes It has been found necessary in many countries to control or regulate national economic conditions. 6. Yes Even the most dedicated free enterprise systems such as the USA have felt this need. 7. Yes The under-developed countries of the world are usually interested in control and long-term planning. 8. Yes India have had a number of plans guided by the government. 9. No as India makes a distinction between the public sector of the economy on the one hand and the private sector on the other hand. 10. Yes as India makes a distinction between the public sector of the economy on the one hand and the private sector on the other hand. 11. Yes Such systems with public and private sectors are neither communistic nor capitalistic but are sometimes called mixed economies. 12. Yes In the public sector of British economic life are the nationalized industries like coal and steel British Rail and BOAC. 13. No 14. Yes the British government set up an official body to plan national economic policies. This body is called the National Economic Development Council. 15. Yes The members of this council are representatives of the employers employees. Exercise 2 1. Because the various national economic systems tend towards communism or capitalism. 2. They are interested in control and long-term planning. 3. It is sometimes called mixed economy. 4. In private sector. 79 Unit 3 Mixed economies 5. In 1962 the British government set up an official body to plan national economic policies. Exercise 3 1. complicated 2. simplified 3. .

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