TAILIEUCHUNG - Paddy-sunhemp system as an alternative resilient technology to paddy–fallow system

Economics of paddy relay sunhemp system was studied in comparison with economics of paddy-fallow system. Farmers of the Nacharam (V), Khammam (D), Telangana state are generally keeping the land fallow after harvesting kharif paddy due to water scarcity resulting in no income during rabi. As an alternative to the paddy-fallow system, farmers of the Nacharam (V), Khammam (D), Telangana state were educated by the scientists of KVK, Wyra under “National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)” project to grow sunhemp as a relay crop after kharif paddy ., paddy-sunhemp system. All the cost economics including cost of cultivation, gross returns, net returns and cost benefit ratio of both the systems were calculated to recommend the best economical and sustainable system to the farmers. The net returns obtained from paddy-sunhemp system were recorded as , 256/- ha-1 compared to Rs. 45,506/- ha-1 from paddy-fallow system. The cost benefit ratio of both the systems was calculated and paddy-sunhemp system recorded the higher cost benefit ratio (1:) than the paddy-fallow system (1:). Hence, it was concluded that, paddy-sunhemp system was the best economical income generation practice suitable to the prevailing situation of the village and was the best alternative system to paddy -fallow system. | Paddy-sunhemp system as an alternative resilient technology to paddy–fallow system

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