TAILIEUCHUNG - Serosurveillance of infectious agents associated with Hydrosalpinx in commercial layer chicken

The present study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of etiological agents associated with hydrosalpinx in commercial layer flocks for a period of three years (2005 to 2007) by serology. Hydrosalpinx was observed in birds of 41-80 week age group and was accounted to per cent of the birds investigated for oviduct abnormalities. In the affected flocks morbidity, egg production drop and mortality were 1 to 10, 2 to 4 and 0 to per cent, respectively. Four hundred serum samples were randomly collected from the 17 hydrosalpinx flocks and analysed for the antibody titer against Newcastle disease, Infectious bronchitis and egg drop syndrome-76 virus by Heamagglutination inhibition (HI) test. A commercial indirectenzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kit was used to detect specific antibodies against Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae. The HI titre for NDV, IBV and EDS -76 virus was 32 to 128, 32 to 512 and 2 to 8, respectively and in ELISA 100 and 97 per cent of serum samples were positive for MG and MS in the affected flocks. Based on the serology it was concluded that the affected birds might have had individual or combined infection of IB and MG which would have damaged the delicate in fundibular fimbriae leading to adhesion and impairment of the normal fluid movement within the blocked oviduct resulting in development of characteristic cyst like lesion. However, further molecular studies are required to confirm the etiological agents in hydrosalpinx cases. | Serosurveillance of infectious agents associated with Hydrosalpinx in commercial layer chicken

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