TAILIEUCHUNG - Enhancement of soybean (Glycine max L.) productivity and profitability through front line demonstrations in Kota district of Rajasthan, India

Soybean is a major kharif crop of Kota district, which accounts for more than 50 percent acreage of kharif sown area of the district. Front line demonstrations (FLD’s) on soybean crop were conducted during kharif seasons of year 2016 to 2018 in 140 ha area on 340 farmer’s fields in 17 different villages of operational area of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kota to demonstrate production potential of improved agro-techniques. Technological interventions demonstrated consisted of use of variety JS 20-29 & JS 95-60, seed treatment with carbendazim50 WP @ g /kg seed & inoculation of rhizobium & PSB culture, sowing in 30 cm rows apart, recommended doses of NP fertilizers (80-40 kg/ha) and zinc sulphate 20-25 kg/ha, weed management by application of Sodium acifluorfen 8% EC @ 1000 ml/ha 20-25 DAS and need based plant protection measures taken as spray of Thiocloprid 24 SC @ 750 ml/ha for girdle beetle, Trizophos 40 EC Litre /ha or Indoxcarb 15 EC 300 ml/ha for semilooper. A study of three years data revealed that demonstrated techniques recorded substantially higher soybean yield than that under existing farmer’s practice with mean seed yield of 1562 kg/ha which represents per cent yield enhancement over farmer’s practice (1227 kg/ha). Improved techniques fetched average net returns of Rs 28313/ha with B:C ratio of , higher in comparison to farmer’s practice (Rs 20019/ha, B:C ratio ). An average additional returns of was obtained due to application of improved techniques with incremental B: C ratio of . | Enhancement of soybean (Glycine max L.) productivity and profitability through front line demonstrations in Kota district of Rajasthan, India

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