TAILIEUCHUNG - Helminthosporium Vignicola - A new report of target leaf spot disease of cowpea Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp. from Odisha, India

Helminthosporium vignicola, the incitant of target leaf spot of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is a foliar fungal pathogen experienced for the first time during kharif- 2017 from AICRP on Vegetable crops, OUAT, Bhubaneswar and adjoining coastal tracts of Odisha. The pathogen mainly infects the leaves, stems and fruits causing about 25-30% loss in cowpea yield. The fungal pathogen was isolated, brought into pure culture and identified as Helminthosporium vignicola. The morphological and etiological aspects of fungus along with pathogenicity test have been carried out. Microscopic investigation revealed, the conidia are fusiform, pale to mid dark brown, widened at the middle, gradually tapering to round ends possessing 2-3 pseudosepta. The conidiophores are solitary or in groups, emerging from dark brown to black stromata, straight or flexous, sometimes geniculate, mid to dark brown and pale near apex and smooth. The dimension of the conidia is in the range of μm × μm with an average range of μm × . | Helminthosporium Vignicola - A new report of target leaf spot disease of cowpea Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp. from Odisha, India

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