TAILIEUCHUNG - Effect of plant residues on growth and seed yield of soybean

An experiment was conducted during Kharif 2012 and 2013 at Krishi Vigyana Kendra, Janwada, Bidar, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India. To assess the growth, yield and economics of soybean as influenced by the application of plant residues under rainfed situation of Northern Karnataka. Results revealed that, application of RDF (40:80:25 NPK kg/ha + 12 kg ZnSO4/ha + 20 kg sulphur/ha) + plant residues at tonnes/ha recorded significantly (p=) higher haulm and seed yield (3007 and 2269 kg/ha, respectively) and which was on par with the application of RDF + plant residues at tonnes/ha (2839 and 2136 kg/ha, respectively). Further, Application of RDF + plant residues at , and tonnes/ha were at par with each other with respect to haulm and seed yield. Whereas, significantly least haulm and seed yield were recorded in control treatment. | 2019 8 4 490-495 EXCELLENT PUBLISHERS International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN 2319-7706 Volume 8 Number 04 2019 Journal homepage http Original Research Article https Effect of Plant Residues on Growth and Seed Yield of Soybean S. Ravi1 . Jadhav2 . Bhat1 and Anand Kamble2 1 Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemislry 2Department ofAgronomy KVK Bidar UAS Raichur Karnataka India Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Seed yield Haulm yield Plant height Plant residues Soybean Article Info Accepted 07 March 2019 Available Online 10 April 2019 An experiment was conducted during Kharif 2012 and 2013 at Krishi Vigyana Kendra Janwada Bidar University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur Karnataka India. To assess the growth yield and economics of soybean as influenced by the application of plant residues under rainfed situation of Northern Karnataka. Results revealed that application of RDF 40 80 25 NPK kg ha 12 kg ZnSO4 ha 20 kg sulphur ha plant residues at tonnes ha recorded significantly p higher haulm and seed yield 3007 and 2269 kg ha respectively and which was on par with the application of RDF plant residues at tonnes ha 2839 and 2136 kg ha respectively . Further Application of RDF plant residues at and tonnes ha were at par with each other with respect to haulm and seed yield. Whereas significantly least haulm and seed yield were recorded in control treatment. Introduction Soybean Glycine max L. Merrill in India is cultivated over an area of million ha with production of million tons and is known as Golden Bean of 20th century. Though soybean is a legume crop yet it is widely used as an oilseed. It is now occupying first place among all the oilseed crops in India followed by rapeseed mustard and groundnut respectively. It grows in varied agro-climatic conditions. Due to its world- wide popularity the .

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