TAILIEUCHUNG - Existing land use, cropping pattern and resource use efficiency in Bardhaman district of west Bengal

The present article analyses the nature of crop diversification in terms of the changes in cropping pattern with respect to acreage and production distribution. From both the aspects of area and production it is observed that over the time span of three decades the cropping pattern in West Bengal is increasingly dominated by boro paddy, oilseeds (including, rapeseed and mustard) and potato. Pulses, as a whole, have lost both in terms of acreage and production in West Bengal. The Technical efficiency (TE), allocative efficiency (AE) and economic efficiency (EE) are calculated using the DEA software under the assumption of Variable returns to scale and (Table ). The EE scores for crops grown under rainfed condition range from in the case of cowpea to for Sugarcane; The TE scores for rainfed condition ranged from in the case of cowpea to in the case of Sugarcane; The EE scores for crops grown under irrigated condition range from in the case of red gram and green gram to for Paddy; The TE scores for irrigated condition ranged from in the case of greengram to in the case of paddy. | Existing land use, cropping pattern and resource use efficiency in Bardhaman district of west Bengal

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